Please Give Us Your Views - Dorset Council are looking at the demand for UKSPF


Hi there,

Dorset Council are looking at the demand for UKSPF (UK Shared Prosperity Funding) to be spent on productivity in key sectors in the form of training and qualifications.We are asking for your views on what any scheme should look like and wondered if you could complete your views on the table below (you can fill in as many of the sections as possible or just one – whatever you have time to complete).Please bear in mind this is for Dorset (IE not BCP) based companies and the goal is to increase productivity.

Please return all comments for the questions below to

Suggestions to consider.

Would this be a good use of UKSPF funding by Dorset Council? Bear in mind that a key driver for the funding is productivity.  The thought is that organisations receiving the funding can spend it on the training provider of their choice.   

Match Funding or amount of grant? Should this be 50/50% or a greater amount of grant? for example 70% grant or maybe higher? It’s a personal view borne from experience, but where a grant of 100% is issued, it can mean the recipient of the grant has no skin in the game. Maybe this is mitigated as people under training are a short term cost for a business? 

Size of organisation? Should this be SME only or LE (large Enterprises).

Training or qualifications or both?  Should the funding be for short courses with a training provider certificate or restricted to nationally recognised qualifications or both?

Any training you have in mind?  This is really to get a sample of what organisations might want to spend the grant on?  

Any other comments, suggestions and/or feedback?

Thank you for your time