Call for evidence on Net Zero review


The UK Government has launched an independent review of its approach to eliminating carbon emissions. This rapid review is looking at how the government can deliver its net-zero targets in a way that is ‘pro-business and pro-growth'. To help inform the review, the government is asking the public to share their views on the transition to net-zero and is particularly keen to hear from small and medium sized businesses.


Chris Skidmore MP invites evidence on the government’s approach to delivery its net zero target, as part of an Independent Review of Net Zero.

We are committed to a review that will consider a range of evidence and views from across society. Alongside the call for evidence, this will include a range of themed roundtables with businesses, industry, communities, local government and non-governmental groups to collect a broad range of views on the transition to net zero. We will also engage on an individual level with a variety of leaders in the net zero space.

The aim of the call for evidence is to provide an open channel to the general public to give their views on the transition, in particular giving a voice to the public and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Read more about the call for evidence on GOV.UK.

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